Studies show that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) remains a problem with the youth in the U.S.
ADHD children
According to the study of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 7.5 percent of children diagnosed with ADHD at age 19 Those affected by the disorder, are more prone to learning problems in areas such as reading and writing.
Many of these problems are due to problems with decoding, comprehension and retention. Some signs that a child has difficulty with these tasks are as follows:
* Do you have difficulty sounding out words and recognizing words that are out of context.
* Read orally at a slower pace than most children of the same age.
* Confusing the meanings of words and phrases.
* Display trouble distinguishing important information from the smallest detail.
* The trouble remembering or summary of what is read.
Fortunately, there is hope for children with ADHD who have trouble reading and writing. For many, the answer lies in watching movies, such as those developed by SFK Media Corp. specifically for children
ReadENT learning system is a patented program that uses the "Reading Films" to help children with special educational needs to develop reading and language skills while having fun.
These films using an innovative tool called "Action tags," which shows the spoken words on screen in real time, without disrupting the flow of the film. By these words, visual, film easier for viewers to understand the language concepts and vocabulary building.
ReadENT Reading Movies are available as an interactive DVD movie classic children's "20,000 miles under the sea", "Tales of Gulliver's Travels" and "Trojan Horse". They also come with interactive games and quizzes to make the learning more fun.