Imagine that a blood test that could prove that your child has ADHD. Dream on! As yet there was no such problem. Thus, ADHD diagnosis and how to implement, because a wrong diagnosis can change your child's life for the worst.
The actual diagnosis of ADHD should be taken into consideration health, physical and psychological factors. Professional who can be a family physician specializing in ADHD and child specialists must first rule out any other conditions that sometimes have symptoms similar to ADHD.
Symptoms of restlessness, constant motion, fidgeting and constantly talking about May be some of the symptoms that you notice as a parent. But this does not necessarily mean that the ADHD! Specialist must be considered to negatively affect academic life, family life, social relations with other children and so on.
Then there's the whole issue of what age, and symptoms begin. They lasted longer than six months, and what settings are present. If a child behaves differently at school, then it might not be ADHD at all. There might be some psychological problem in the family or difficulties in covering one of the parents.
There is a big debate about it now at the age when they begin to ADHD. There have been cases of children two or three are prescribed psychostimulant drugs, and extreme case, when it was discovered in a bipolar two years! Under normal circumstances, however, usually at the age of four or five years old and upward, and now have an audit opinion of the upper age limit, a new edition of DSM will likely put the age of seven to twelve.
The proper diagnosis of ADHD is so important because it can affect your child's life and future of a very decisive manner. It was a disastrous misdiagnosis cases, and there is plenty of doubt that ADHD is overdiagnosed on a large scale. All you need to do is make sure you get the diagnosis, so rashly refuse to prescribe psychostimulants If your pediatrician gives the child that after only ten minutes of consultation.
As regards treatment, there is growing concern about amphetamine-type drugs, which are generally considered more than prescribed. Alarming research shows that these effects disappear after three years. If there is no change in behavior in place, there is a high risk exercise of ADHD in adulthood and the problems that people face will be substantial.
So, there you are it. There is an urgent need for accurate and thorough diagnosis of ADHD and there is a need to withdraw from prescription drugs and all the unknown and hidden dangers. It is certainly time to look at alternatives, which I presented to you in my web page below.